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INTAS-IA-96-03 Infrastructural Action : main Facts-page
Scientific Co-ordinator: Mariano Maistrello []
INTAS Council of  Scientists (CS) discuss all the requests for financial support outside the normal calls for proposals, and those having an urgent character (Immediate Actions). A pre-selection of six IA was made and one of them was ours.
1997: INTAS CS accepts our proposal of realizing two dedicated EDP Centres (in Kiev & Moscow) for the retrieval and processing of the old photographic seismic records available there, for a max. INTAS facility of 180,000 ECU. Meanwhile also our CS  agrees.
Our Scientific Officer sends the final Official documents for the real start of our proposal, classified as INTAS-IA-96-03. These are: the Co-operation Agreement, with annexed: the Work-Programme, the General Conditions and Powers of Attorney to the Co-ordinator.
Intas transmits relevant documents regarding the transfer of funds, including: 
a) Guidelines on the transfer of Funds, and b) Individual Grant Forms for all NIS participants receiving a grant
After a deep marketing survey, our 1st request to INTAS for a payment of 68,000 ECU to Moscow partner and 28,000 to Kiev is made, for a first purchasing of hardware and software, in the frame of the Intas payments plan.
1998: Second part of our 1st request to INTAS for the transfer of 6,000+6,000 ECU to the Milan and Uppsala Partners. In the meantime our Intas Officer changes: Mr R.Vardapetian replaces Mr L.Goebel.
The works advance, and the partners write the 'intermediate Report' to Intas, including our 2nd official payments request. Only a few days later, Intas publishes the 1st release of the 'IA-definitions' and the 'Guideline for the compilation of intermediate and final Reports'.
In the meanwhile the first MOSCOW Lab. is successfully installed at Spetsgeofizika's Offices. The technical and operating Moscow meeting of all the participants in the week 13-18 of July was a great success of all the team. We didn't can foresee the incoming crisis...
After update the NIS Bank-list which went into agreement, INTAS transfers 2nd 'periodic' payment of 54,000 ECU, mainly directed to finance the new Kiev Lab. (44,000 ECU). The chosen NIS banks are: Vneshtorgbank -in Moscow - and First Uk.International bank (FUIB) - in Kiev.
Official request for an extension of the project up to next March 31, 1999. Intas accept, but only up to February 28, 1999
MOSCOW: their Lab is completed and the first results appear. KIEV: here the Milan and Kiev partners work together in the period 8-18 of December '98, establishing the new seismic Lab. in Kiev (it will be completed at the beginning of '99)...
On the base of the last Kiev's message we can say that also the second seismic Lab. has been successfully established.  The official time-window for our 'Action' is expired, and in two months we'll prepare the final Report for Intas Officials. Last Intas update of the Guidelines for the IA.
 IA-96-03 ACTION is successfully finished (formally only after the last INTAS payment).  The FINAL REPORT shows also the first good results in MOSCOW and KIEV.   THANKS TO EVERYBOBY by the Co-ordinator. BUT...
BUT the welcome and wished final payments came only with the new Y2K , because of some misunderstandings on Contract type...