Dear Mariano,
many thanks for your good report.
1.) Spare of "Equipment" costs.
The reasons are very simple - General Director
of Spetsgeofizika R.Berzin paid for:
a) 36.4 Gb MultiPack
- 12,054 USD
b) DGS programme -
3,000 USD
(Now we have no debts to Synapse, the last payment was this month )
c) Extra PC with monitor
( I do not know the price)
That means we have all necessary instruments with total cost even more
than 60,000 ECU.
May be we shall buy a good colour printer if we get money.
2 ) Foreseen expenses.
This subdivision of the rest of money looks unrealistic but I can not
correct it because I am not quite sure that the money we shall really obtain.
I send you some examples of record-sections which we digitized:
Best regard Yuri.