INTAS-IA-96-03; Moscow, July 1998: the new seismic Intas Lab.

Moscow seismic lab.: Hw scheme

Here is the general scheme of the new seismic Lab. installed at the Spetsgeofizika rooms. Most of the instrumentation was purchased by the Moscow office of the Roy International Consultancy Inc. (see the contract). All the instruments have been properly installed and successfully tested in July'98, after that all the long and difficult bureaucratic needs were been solved. The first Intas fund for the Moscow Partner was of 68,000.00 ECU (60,000.00 only for equipments).

( You can click on images, for a larger view )

Spetsgeofizika: the 4 Partners
In the Spetsgeofizika's new seismic Lab. are sitting the 4 main Participants. From left to right: Mr. Y. YUROV (Moscow, Russia), senior geophysicist and Leader of the Spetsgeofizika seismic team; Mr. M. MAISTRELLO (Milan, Italy), Co-ordinator of the Project, 1st Intas participant; Mr. V. GEYKO (Kiev, Ukraine), other NIS participant; Mr. H. ZEYEN (Uppsala, Sweden), 2nd Intas member participant.  In the wall, back of Mr. Yurov, one can see an example of a man-made travel-time diagram relating an important old seismic profile (the 'XX' profile), which will be the first to be processed. A rough check (by eye) of the data quality was made, pointing out the main graphical troubles ('spaghetti' seismograms, dark images, etc...).

Sčetsgeofizika: K.Zavodnik at work...

Here is  K.Zavodnik at work at PC-1 (the one directly connected with OCÈ A0 Scanner and Plotter). Both the PCs use Windows95 operating system, and will be loaded with the most common Office facilities packages.

Spetsgeofizika:  Adelmo Corsi at SUN...

WorkStation SUN-30/250 is equipped with last Solaris operating system, and through the external Hard-disk and DAT units, it will be able to manage big quantity of processed seismic data.

Spetsgeofizika: N.Zavodnik at Plotter...
These are the first operations with the new Plotter. All seems to be OK.


Spetsgeofizika Lab.: Internet !!
NETWORKING ! On July 15, at Spets.-Lab also Internet was born.....  And, of course, after a download of the browser, the first check is to INTAS pages at the address, to see the news! The young Olga and Konstantin seem soon very interested in their new possibilities.... At the beginning the Spetsgeofizika Team will activate a bimonthly subscription with a local dealer, to check and evaluate it. The new Spetsgeofizika's E-mail address is:
For news on Russian new communication infrastructures and Projects, you could try :
w  the IOS link (the Institute of Operatyng Systems, Moscow)
w  the old COPERNICUS info site (1996), or the new one:
w  the CEEnet organisation (Warsaw), which gives a well updated information on all NIS situation.

Try the E-mail to see if it'is still operating! (If not call Spetsgeofizika at +7 095 264 0673 or 264 6710). Thank you