Mariano Maistrello open file 96-01; Milan, February 1996
An unified procedure for the digital acquisition and processing of the old Italian DSS seismic magnetic recordings. |
Summary :
The MENU_HP procedure is functionally composed by 4 main steps:
against possible data erasures and/or unauthorized data editings. |
The following are the two main pages; using the proper buttons the User can: operate all the necessary steps to acquire the analog signals (at least two channels: one time-signal plus the seismic one), read and decode the various time-codes, complete and verify the header data, check and/or edit some data-failure (spikes), collect all the organized seismic traces into proper 'profile' and/or 'fan' file, make a first processing (FFT spectral analysis and a raw plotting of a section-FILM with selected data-file), and transfer files to our main archive, to be well organized into the final DSS-ON-LINE data base.
Page 1 of 2 (User 1):
<f1> : HELP [ Hardware & Software ]
<f2> : Input-file INXY... [ Example / Create / Edit / List / Print /
Conv.BDAT ]
<f3> : computes AZIMUTH & DISTANCES [Printer output
and DAXY... file creation ]
<f4> : Output-file DAXY... [ Listing / Printing ]
<f5> : => go to the next Page 2 (User 2)
<f6> : STOP / EXIT
<f7> : DIGIT [ digitization of a 2/4 channels seismic analog signal
into a DAT... file ]
<f8> : HEADERs files DAT... or R_... [ Edit(DAT...) / Listing / Printing
INXY... |
DAXY... |
A/D sism. |
Data |
<f1> : Other Software [ SHOWFILE / TIME
<f2> : DEMULTX [ separation / demultiplexing of channels into reduced
files R_... ]
<f3> : DAT... file [ Save on / Load from FLOPPY ]
<f4> : DIARY updating of the digitized surveys
<f5> : <= back to previous page 1 (User 1)
<f6> : STOP / EXIT
<f7> : DIR of selected VOLUME ( Floppy / system VOL.0 / VOL.1 (DAT..
file) / VOL.2 (Red. file)
<f8> : FORMAT and/or DELETE the selected VOLUME ( Floppy / VOL.1 / VOL.2
) :
Save/Load |
update |
The following are the main specs of the A to D card used by our HP-9000/310 Basic Computer for this procedure: the Hewlett-Packard mod. 98640A. Purchased in 1987, this 12-bits card (+ sign bit) is still working very well, and in respect of the specifications written by the Company. Excellent!
[ 1 ] Deichman N.;
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[ 2 ] FTP Software,
Inc.: "PC/TCP Network Software for DOS"; rel.
2.2; 1993
[ 3 ] Hewlett-Packard
; "HP 98645A Measurement Library User's Manual" ; Part Number 98645-90001;
[ 4 ] Maistrello
M.; "Acquisizione ed elaborazione digitale dei
dati sismici a rifrazione profonda (DSS) per lo studio di strutture crostali";
degree thesys, State University - Milan, 1985
[ 5 ] Maistrello
M.; "Digitizzazione dei segnali (sismici) e processing
successivo"; open File report CNR - IRRS, 1993
[ 6 ] Maistrello
M., Scarascia S., Ye S., Hirn A.; "EGT 1986 Central
Segment - Compilation of seismic Data (additional Profiles and Fans) in
Northern Apennines, Po Plain, Western and Southern Alps"; open File report
CNR-IRRS, 1991
[ 7 ] McClennan J.,
Parks T.W., Rabiner L.R.; "A computer program
for designing optimum FIR linear phase digital filters"; IEEE Trans., Vol.
AU-21 N°6, - 1973
[ 8 ] Microstuf,
Inc.; "CROSSTALK XVI: the 16-bit communication
program"; rel. 3.61 - 1986
[ 9 ] Sherbaum F.,
Johnson J.; "User manual for PITSA"; 1990