Mr M. Maistrello
Via Bassini, 15
I-20133 Milano

FAX: + 39  2  236 2946


Brussels, 5 January 2000

Re: Infrastructure Action 96-03

Dear Mr Maistrello,

Having examined the above-mentioned Infrastructure Action ........

I am convinced that these can be swiftly resolved.

The following is an overview of the situation as I understand it:

Russian team
INTAS is satisfied that Mr Yurov's team in Moscow has incurred expenses for equipment, software and other related costs totalling 71,019 Euro as follows:

Equipment from Roy Int paid by INTAS and delivered to Moscow
Equipment from Roy Int paid by Moscow
Equipment purchased locally in Russia
Other related costs

INTAS transferred a total of  70,000 Euro to the Russian team of which Mr Yurov returned 53,375 Euro (or 61,000 US$) to INTAS. Thus 16,625 Euro remained in Moscow, of which unfortunately 14,471 US$ was lost with the bankruptcy of the MOST Bank. As this sum was paid into a bank, which was INTAS had no agreement, I regret that the Association is unable to refund the Russian team this money.

In addition to the 16,625 Euro paid to Mr Yurov's team, INTAS directly paid Roy Int. a sum of 50,100.5 Euro for equipment, which was delivered to Moscow. Thus the Moscow team has already received 66,275.5 Euro of their total allocated grant (75,500 Euro). INTAS is prepared to pay the difference (8,774.5 Euro) to reimburse Moscow for outstanding equipment expenses, labour costs and overheads.

This payment will be made directly to the Russian team but INTAS advises the use of the Vneshtorgbank with which it has an agreement. To enable us to arrange this payment I would appreciate you returning the enclosed forms requesting the transfer of funds as soon as possible.

Ukrainian team
INTAS will pay the Ukrainian team the outstanding sum of  5,500 Euro for labour costs as these costs are both justified by the work undertaken and reflected in the individual grant forms received at the start of the project.

Swedish team
As the Swedish team undertook two visits to both Kiev and Moscow and paid for Ms Davidova's trip to Uppsala INTAS can accept travel costs totalling 7,918 Euro, i.e.:
     2 x 1,660 Euro for visits to Moscow
     2 x 1,510 Euro for visits to Kiev
     1 x 1,578 Euro for Ms Davidova's trip to Sweden
INTAS can also accept the additional 500 Euro as consumables. This brings the total justified costs to 8,418 Euro. INTAS allows institutes to claim and additional amount of up to 20% of the total justified costs as overheads, i.e. 1,683 Euro. Thus the Swedish team can justify a total of 10,101 Euro of which it has already received 9,000 Euro.
According to Art 19.2 of the General Conditions (Annex II to the Co-operation Agreement) INTAS does not permit organisations from INTAS Member States to purchase equipment. Therefore INTAS must disallow the sum of 4,100 Euro claimed for the purchase of a PC. The institute at Uppsala may of course choose to use the sum allocated to the overheads to cover part of its cost.

INTAS will therefore pay the Swedish team a further 1,101 Euro after the enclosed transfer request form has been returned.

Italian team
As this is an actual cost contract INTAS cannot approve the financial report for your team without further clarification. In particular, though the report indicates a number of visits made in the course of this project I would ask that you provide a break down of the total costs per visit as the Swedish team has done. INTAS also requires more detailed information about consumables and other costs. Once I have received this information I can determine how much of the remaining funds should be paid.

In conclusion, in view of the significant delays incurred to date, INTAS is happy to make the payments to the NIS team as soon as it has received the transfer request forms......

this Infrastructure Action which judging from your website has been well performed and meticulously documented.

Yours sincerely,

David Gould
Head of the INTAS Secretariat