Hi Mariano,
Here comes a table with my INTAS balance.
You see that there is still some money left over. My plans for spending
the rest of the money include another journey to Moscow (about 10000 FF,
ca. 1500 EURO), purchase of software (compiler and graphics) to stay compatible
with Moscow in terms of seismic interpretation (6500 FF, ca. 1000 EURO).
If it is necessary to justify all the money, you may also include a journey
to Kiev (10000 FF, ca. 1500 EURO). This gives a sum of 4000 EURO (3000
still to be payed plus the nearly 1000 which I still have).
Comments to the expenditures:
1) Journey to Moscow - evident
2) Journey Davidova to Uppsala: She was sent by Spetsgeofyzika to do seismic work in Uppsala for the preparation of new projects. We looked at existing seismic records and discussed the posibility to use them for EUROPROBE-related modelling.
3) PC: Since the system in Paris is MAC-based, I needed a PC to stay compatible with Moscow, especially in relation to future joint interpretation work.
My work for the project can be defined as preparation
for the interpretation of the data: installation of seismic and gravity
interpretation software.
My bank connection in France:
Bank name and address: BNP de Buc 390, rue Louis Bleriot F-78530 Buc France |
Bank code: 30004
Office code: 01146 Account number: 30015295 Cle RIB: 24 |
I hope that this is enough for now. Should
I send you copies or the originals of the receipts? Concerning the money,
it is not correct to the very last SEK or FF, since I don't have all the
numbers concerning the transfer from Sweden to France. No problem to get
the exact value of FF received (I forgot to check that at home, but the
numbers in FF are quite ok), the problem is to know exactly which amount
has been transferred from Sweden to here (in SEK). I have tried to contact
Gee, but he is not there. You'll get the exact numbers when I return from
the field (it's a students field course) in two weeks.
Ciao, Hermann
Income | |||
10. Feb. 98 |
6.aug. 98 |
Transfer to France |
Expenditures | |||
Journey HZ Moscow 11.-16. Jul. 98 |
Journey Davidova (Spetsgeofysika) to Uppsala |
PC computer |
Unspent | |||
Balance (approx.) |
* Hermann Zeyen
* Departement des Sciences de la Terre
* Universite de Paris-Sud, Bat. 504
* F-91405 Orsay, France
* Tel: +33-(0)1 69 15 49 09, Fax: +33-(0)1
69 15 49 11 *
* E-mail: zeyen@geol.u-psud.fr