(Ital. Nat. Research Council) IRRS (Res. Inst. on Seismic Risk) |
I-20133 - Milano ITALY |
+39 02 23699 254 | +39 02 236 2946 | m.maistrello@irrs.mi.cnr.it | CO |
Geophysical Institute |
S-752 36 Uppsala (*) SWEDEN |
State geological enterprise (Russian Ministry of Natural Resources) |
107140, Moscow RUSSIA |
"S. Subbotin" (Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences) |
Kiev, 252680 UKRAINE |
(*) after Sept.1, 1998
at : Dept. des Sciences de la Terre,
Université de Paris-Sud, Bat. 504
F-991405 ORSAY Cedex
tel.: +33 1 6915 4909 Fax: +33 1 6915 4911
E-mail: zeyen@geol.u-psud.fr