AEDEA Directory (12-Apr-96)

( for an active but slow link see their http://  )

Name: Northern State Enterprise on Marine Geological Works "SEVMORGEO"
Phone: 812-252-67-67
Telefax: 812-252-44-16
Rozenstein str, 36, St.-Petersburg, Russia

Contact person:
Yuryi Ivanovich Matveev
Role: General Director
Phone: 812-252-67-67
Rozenstein str, 36, St.-Petersburg, Russia

External Institutional Framework:
The Russian Federation Committee of Geology and
Mining, Northern Research and Production
Association for Marine Geological Prospecting

Institution type:
Governmental sectorial [29145]

 Funding sources:
Core budget finincing from the sources of The
Russian Federation Committee of Geology and Mining and Northern Research and Production Association for Marine Geological Prospecting
Additional funding - through contracts.

Main fields of activity:
- implementation of activities on integrated geoecological monitoring of the Northern seas;
- systematization of information on pollution sources of the Northern seas, in particular, areas of oil and gas deposits and testing grounds
of radioactive wastes;
- implementation of a complex of activities, connected with biochemical and mathematic research on the assessment of albumens concentrations and their structure, that gives an opportunity to detect hydrocarbons by accumulation of albumens within the oil and gas deposit structures ("BIMHERA" method);
- compilation of maps of the coastal line of the Arctic coast of Russia.

Arctic involvement:
Implementation of marine geoecological control in the southern part of tye Barents sea (Pechora sea), on the testing grounds of Pechenga-Murmansk source of polution, bottlenect of the White sea, in Cheshskaya bay, Pechora estuary, in the area of oil and gas deposit "Pririzlomnoye", in the area of testing ground with radioactive wastes and
pollutants of South-Western coast of the Novaya Zemlya and in the "background" area of shallow waters of North-Koninsk bank..

Major information sources:
Digital data base on the coastal line of the Arctic coast of Russia and islands of the Arctic ocean in the scale 1:200000.
Data bank Geoecology of the Barents sea" based on the results of previous activities, with the following parts: marine physical characteristics,
bioproductivity and water biomass, pollution
sensitivity of the parts where nuclear weapon was tested and nuclear wastes buried, as well as pollution of marine biota nd air in the Barents Sea.
AO format devices and software for scanning and plotter output of color maps and other graphic images.
GIS Aro info is supposed to be obtained for SUN

Arctic [30798], Russian Federation [30441], East Europe [30402]

 Infoterra keywords:
Geology [28137], Cartography [28121], Marine geology [28137], Geophysics [28139]
