L. Haikin, M. Rozhkov, A. Petrov
Software Manual Version 1.2.2 January 30, 1995 Prepared by SYNAPSE
Moscow Data Center " SYNAPSE" Ostozhenka street 9 Moscow 107065
to digitize the photo and paper seismograms and convert these data into
standard WF-disc files of CSS 2.8 format. Photo and paper seismograms are
to be scanned previously into PCX-format files. Source information: PCX-file
of multi-channels seismogram. Results: Corresponding WF-disc files in current
directory. System Soft environment: Computer SUN/4, OS-4.1
Multi-channels seismogram PCX-file is loaded into the memory and imaged
onto the canvas. This image is viewed by User. The User performs the time
tieing of the image to epoch time and sets the time scale. Then he sequentially
selects, digitizes and puts out every channel as a file. All User's commands
and interaction take place directly within the graphical display windows.
Control buttons appear at the top of the window. The effects of mouse pointer
and button events in the display windows depend on where the mouse is currently
located. To perform a time scale tieing, the visible seismogram's time
marks are used. The selection of one channel trace is performed on the
base of User's drawn horizontal axis and automatic segment cluster analysis
method [M.Rozhkov, A.Petrov]. The segment is an uninterrupted domain of
black pixels onto the screen. The digitizing is based upon the spline approximation
method. During the digitizing The User is able to correct graphically the
list of selected segments in order to achieve a maximum of coincidence
of digitizing line with channel trace. Every User's approached step may
be displayed onto the screen, thus the whole process is performed recursively.
The last stage of digitizing is the handle editing of line by means a mouse.
The conversion of data to CSS format demands the resampling and scaling
of the digitized pixels coordinates values array in concordance of real
data acquisition system, from which the data were received. This conversion
is controlled by User by means the setting up of new sampling rate and
scale coefficient. During the resampling the new amplitude values are estimated
by means of linear interpolation of two nearest pixel's values. The quality
of resampling may be checked visually by drawing of new curve along the
old trace. The output data representation (double precision, float, integer
4, integer 2 or arbitrary ASCII format) may be selected by the User. The
formed output data are placed into the two files. Header of data array
is placed into the WF-disc file in current directory. Header is a standard
WF-disc record, that includes a Julian date, time of trace, name of station,
channel code and others characters of channel. Besides it contains a directory
name for wave form file, which is assigned as a sub directory of current
one. If time is the same as in a present record, the new record will replace
old one in WF-disc file and new trace will do so, else a new WF-disc file
will be formed. During selection the User is able to perform some added
operations over the traces such as a rotate of image, transforming of arcous
image to rectangular one and clearance the vertical scale lines.
The goal is achived in interactive regime, supported by five pop-up windows
Main window (SCANNED SIGNAL DIGITIZING) is used for reading of file,
time tieing of image, selection and digitizing of trace.
Save data window is used for forming of results WF-disc files.
Rotate image window is used to rotate the seismogram, if scanning was
not done correctly and trend in direction will disturb to achieve a good
Arc window (Transforming to rectangular coordinates) is used for conversion
of arceous image to rectangular one, so the only admissible source form
to digitize is a rectangular image.
Clear verticals window (Clear vertical scale lines) is used for clearance
of vertical scale lines, those cause the falacious deviation from true
curve direction during the automatic segments selection.
Main window contains the canvas for seismogram image and panel with some
panel's tools. The Main Window control buttons are as follows:
Causes the termination of the job.
Causes help information to be displayed.
Clear vert Creates a new display Window for Clearance
of vertical scale lines.
Rotate Creates
a new display Window for rotate of image.
Creates a new display Window for Convertion of the arceous image to rectangular
Save line Creates a new display Window
for resampling of data array and forming of output WF-disc files.
Then the Main Window pannel contains some Command strings for typing
of users data and appropriate pull-down buttons. This strings are as follows:
Source file Is the area for typing PCX
file name.
Causes the loading of mentioned file.
Human time Is the area for typing of epoch time
in accordance of the drawned line.
Causes the tiped Human time to set.
Seconds between time marks - is the
area for typing of amount of seconds between last two time marks during
the tyeing.
Causes the tiped interval to set.
Besides the Main Window pannel contains Choice button Scale for icreasing
of image by 2,4 or 8 times. At last the Main Window pannel contains pull-down
menu for setting of Mode as follows:
Sel points Sets the Mode to disply cursor coordinates. While in
this mode pressing the left mouse button causes the writing of coordinates
onto the fuuter.
Query sgm Sets the Mode to query segments. While in this mode pressing
the left mouse button causes the queryfying of segment indicated by cursor.
Sel segm Switches the Mode to select segments. While in this mode
pressing the left mouse button causes the selection of segment indicated
by cursor.
Unsel segm Switches the Mode to unselect segments. While in this
mode pressing the left mouse button causes the unselection of segment indicated
by cursor.
Sel axe Switches the Mode to select axis. While in this mode pressing
the left mouse button causes the drawing of axis and selection of segment
along it. If previous axis was yet drawn, it will be erased.
S Bnd Switches the Mode to Draw interval boundaries for digitizing.
While in this mode pressing the left mouse button causes the drawing of
boundaries. Two boundaries are needed for digitising.
D Bnd Switches the Mode to Delete boundaries. While in this mode
pressing the left mouse button causes the deletion of boundary, indicated
by cursor. If cursor doesn't indicate any line, both boundaries may be
deleted after Uuser's confirmation.
S Htm Switches the Mode to Draw Human time line through the visible
mark on the screen in order to tie the picture to absolute astronomic time.
D Htm Switches the Mode to erase Human time line.
S TM Switches the Mode to set the time scale of seismogram. While
in this mode pressing the left mouse button causes the drawing TM line,
depend on cursor location.
D TM Switches the Mode to erase TM lines and correct the previous
time scale. While in this mode pressing the left mouse button causes the
erase of TM line, indicated by cursor.
Edit trace Switches the Mode to edit trace. While in this mode pressing
the left mouse button causes the correction of curve depend on cursor location.
3.2 SAVE
Save line Window is intended to set the some parameters for output data.
The Window control buttons are as follows.
Creating wfdisc waveform files Causes the output data to be written
onto the disc.
Quit Causes the window to disappear.
Output data representation Switches the mode of output data rep-
resentation Binary or ASCII and ma- kes visibe the appropreate button.
Select data storage format Chooses the binary format from follows:
Real 4, Double 8, Integer 4, Integer 2.
Set output data format (examples: i6, i8, f10.3) Is area for typing
of ASCII format.
Set station code: Is area for typing of Station code (up to 6 characters).
Set channel code: Is area for typing of Channel code (up to 2 characters).
Set sampling rate (samples/seconds) : Is area for typing of sampling
rate. Type of value is float.
Resampled data output Cause the resampled line to be drawn.
Resampled data shift (in pixels) : Sets the distance (in pixels)
by ver- tical between resampled line and main curve. Type of number is
integer. Shift to down is set by negative number.
C l e a r Cause the resampled line to be cleared.
Rmean Chooses the mode of output function. If Yes, the average function
value will be subtracted from every point of curve. If No, values of function
are not changed.
Vertical scale Sets the scale coefficient to multiply every value.
Type of value is float.
Comment (up to 30 characters) : Is the area for typing of comment.
Start_time and Data_last_acceded Is the program information about
epoch time of digitised interval in accordance with Human time, boundaries
and time scale.
Weight of X-axis pixel (in seconds) Is the program information about
of price of one pixel's step (in seconds).
Clear verticals window (Clear vertical scale lines) is intended to erase
the vertical scale lines, those cause the falacious deviation from true
curve direction during the automatic segments selection. This tool is important,
when the steady bold vertical scale lines take place onto the image. The
Window control buttons are as follows.
Apply Causes the image to be rotate and vertical lines to be cleared
or replaced.
Quit Causes the window to disappear.
Then Window pannel contains pull-down menu for setting of Mode as follows:
Set points Sets the Mode to place the points onto the screen in
order to plan a vertical line throughout of them.
Draw axis Causes the line, planned as a vertical, to be dravned.
Delele axis Causes the previously drawned line to be cleared.
Method to replace line Selects the one of two ways for replacing
of vertical scale lines. If mode is set to "Blank line", the vertical lines
vill be merely erased. If mode is set to "Copy from left line" ,the vertical
line will be replaced by the neighboring p xels columns (the transforming
of the image is performed from the left side to write).
Saturation Selects a percentage black pixels in column, that is
a criterion to concider this column as a vertical scale line, to be deleted.
Rotate window is intended to rotate the seismogram, if scanning was not
done correctly and steady trend in direction will disturb to achieve a
good results. The Window control buttons are as follows.
Apply Causes the image to be rotated.
Quit Causes the window to disappear.
Then the Rotate Window pannel contains pull-down menu for setting of Mode
as follows:
Select right point for new axis Sets the Mode to draw new axis.
While in this mode pressing the left mouse button causes the drawing of
new axis through start point of old trace (on the left side of image) and
new cursor location point.
Delete new axis Cause the new axis to be cleared. The downer part
of the panel is used for simultenious deletion of vertical scale lines.
Clear scale vertical lines after rotate Switches the mode of this
means: Yes or No. Others buttons is the same, as in CLEAR VERT WINDOW.
3.5. ARC
Arc window (Transforming to rectangular coordinates) is intended to convert
the arceous image into rectangular one, so the only admissible source form
to digitize is a rectangular image. The Window control buttons are as follows.
Apply Causes the image to be transformed.
Quit Causes the window to disappear.
Then the Arc Window pannel contains pull-down menu for setting of Mode
as follows:
Sel axes Sets the Mode to draw axes. While in this mode pressing
the left mouse button causes the drawing of horisontal axis through cursor
Del axes Sets the Mode to delete axes. While in this mode pressing
the left mouse button causes the deleting horisontal axis near the cursor
Set pairs Sets the Mode to place the points onto the screen in order
to measure a radius of a pen choulder. Cancel radius Cause the radius value
to be canceled.
Disply coords Sets the Mode to disply cursor coordinates. While
in this mode pressing the left mouse button causes the writing of coordinates
onto the Coords string, placed below. Futher the some information strings
are followed:
Number of selected axes Shows thƒ amount of axes, selected by user.
Number of test Shows th number of experience to measure the radius,
performed to estimate the average value.
First point of the pair Shows the coordinates of first point (disposed
on the axis), selected in the frame of one measuring of the radius.
Second point and Radius Shows the coordinates of second point (disposed
far from axis), selected in the frame of one measuring of the radius.
Average radius Shows the current average value of the radius.
Apply Causes the setting average radius value for futher transforming
Coords Shows the coordinates of arbitrary cursor allocation if appropriate
mode is set. The downer part of the panel also is used for simulteni- as
After starting of job (dgs & ) the main window is appeared (fig.1).
First of all it is needed to type the PCX file name and push the button
"Load". The loading is a comparatively long ti- me process (10-30 s) and
it should be wait until the whole cop- letion. The order of next actions
of User may be arbitrary: time scale tieing, human time setting, digitising.
The only demand is : Before saving of line, all three actions mentioned
above, are to be performed and before digitising the two boundaries are
to be set. Despite this, to provide a minimum efforts, we recommend, in
general, the next order of user's actions: At the beginning of job: human
time setting of seismogram and time scale tieing of image. Then for every
interested trace:
- select axe;
- select and unselect segments;
- set two boundaries;
- digitising, repeated selection and anselection of segments and recoursive
repeated digitising;
- manual edit the trace;
- show the save line window;
- set the output representation (only for first trace) ;
- set the Station and channel code;
- set the sampling rate (only for first trace) ;
- set the scale coefficient (only for first trace) ;
- set the comment;
- create wfdisc and waveform files.
If the quality of scanned image is dood enough, the recou sive segment
selection is not necessary and well digitising line will be formed at once.
In order to provide a maximal precision of tieing, the lines must be drawn
through the well visible marks only. The number of time marks would like
to be as much as possible. The time marking may begin from arbitrary mark
of diagram sequentially in both direction. Poor visible marks may be skipped.
After drawing of the first two lines it is necessary to enter the amount
of seconds between these two lines and continue marking. Every interval
between next two marks (in seconds) is defined automatically on the basis
of previous step. If during this automatic definition the deviation from
integer second will exceed the permitted value (for example 0.1) , the
user is prompted to precise the number of seconds in interval. Then the
automatic process will be continued. If during the process the User has
decided to go back to to the one of the previous point, He should take
into account, that all lines set already futhermore will be deleted. To
check the tieing process by the User, every time after drawing of the next
line, the table of variabe time scale of ima- ge is displayed onto console.
Clearance of the vertical scale lines is intended to erase the vertical
scale lines, those cause the falacious deviation from true curve direction
during the automatic segments selection. This tool is important, when the
steady bold vertical scale lines take place onto the image. To achieve
this goal it is needed to define the line, that may be considered as a
strict vertical (fig.2,3). This line is defined by the two points in the
upper and downer parts of the image. For more convenience it is provided
a number of intermediate points, while the line is drawn throughout the
two extreme points only. The points are placed in the mode "Set points".
If new point is positioned near the old one, it replaces old point on the
screen. When pressing the "Draw axis" button, the vertical line is drawned.
The drawned line may be deleted for more precise line (if desirable) in
"Delete axes" mode. The vertical lines may be erased or replaced by the
left neighboring pixels columns (the transforming of the image is performed
from the left side to write). The method is slected by the "Method to replace
line" choice button. After setting of method it is needed to define the
Saturation - a percentage black pixels in column, that is a criterion to
concider this column as a vertical scale line, to be deleted. At last it
is needed to press onto the "Apply" button and wait the new image, to be
futher digitized.
Rotation of seismogram is used, when the scanning was not done correctly
and steady trend in direction will disturb to achieve a good results. To
rotate the image it is needed at first to draw the axis in main screen,
so that the line must overlay the medium point of trace onto the left side
of image. Then it is needed to push the "Rotate" button and after appearance
of new window - select right point of real trace axis (fig. 4). The drawned
new axis may be moved by placing of new point near axis or deleted in "Delete
new axis" mode. If the clearance of vertical lines is desirable, the parameters
of this procedures must be defined as in the special Clear verticals window.(see
4.3.) Then the User will have to push the "Apply" button and wait the new
image, to be futher digitized (fig.5).
This function is used for conversion of the arceous image to rectangular
one, so the only admissible source form to digitize is a rectangular image.
To transform the image it is needed to push the "Arc" button in main window
just after the loading of arceous PCX-file. So the new appropriate window
will emerge. Then we have to set the "Sel axes" mode and draw all axes.
The control number of axes will be written in relevant string of the window.
The order of axes may be arbitrary. Besides we are able to precise a location
of axis by pressing the left mouse button near the old axis. In "Del axes"
mode these actions will cause the mentioned axes to be deleted. The axis
definition is needed for futher estimation of pen shoulder radius and transorming
of arceous coordinates. If we know exactly the apparatus size of pen radius
we should merely to input this value (in pixels) in "Average radius" command
string and push the "Apply", and we should take into acount the real characters
of our SUN computer monitor. If we don't know the apparatus size of pen
radius we should to perform some graphic measuring on the screen. To define
a radius we should take two points on the good visible arc: one on the
axis (on diameter) and one far from axis. The program estimates a radius
size and writes a value onto the screen. In order to exclude the random
factor we should repeat this experience several times and confirm the average
by pressing onto the nearest "Apply" button. The number of experience is
shown in the string, named as "Number of test". If we don't satisfy about
the results, we may cancel the radius by pressing the button, named as
"Cancel radius" and repeat measure once again. If all is O.K. we should
push the upper "Apply" button to start the transforming procedure. Futher
User's interaction is the same, as with ordinary rectangular seismogram
(fig.7). The downer part of Arc window is also intended for clearance of
vertical scale lines.