edited by M.Maistrello for Intas-IA-96-03 - for a full interactive page, see the NATO link: http://www.nato.int/home.htm )

Cooperative Science and Technology Sub-Programme
Collaborative Linkage Grants: Notes for Applicants

Page Update: 20 December 1998 
The following notes for applicants are an integral part of the application form for support to organize an Advanced Research Workshop. The application form itself is provided as a separate downloadable file, which may be found at the end of this document.


  1. Collaborative Linkage Grants (CLGs) offer assistance to members of research teams in universities or research institutions in countries of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, to collaborate on research projects. The collaboration must be between scientists in NATO countries and those in Partner countries. 
  2. CLGs can be in any scientific discipline. The disciplines have been grouped into four Scientific Areas, as outlined in the classification list at Annex, and applications are considered by one of four Advisory Panels set up for each Scientific Area. 
  3. Grants are given for projects that rely for basic costs on national funding but where the costs for the international collaboration cannot be met from other sources. The grants thus support travel and living expenses of investigators for short visits to partner institutions abroad. 
  4. Support for CLGs ranges from funding for two or three scientists to visit one another's laboratories over a period of one year, to a maximum of five research teams involving a maximum of five people per team to collaborate over a two-year period. (Collaborative Linkage Grants combine the two former support mechanisms of Collaborative Research Grants and Linkage Grants.) 


  1. To be eligible for support a project must be specific and the collaboration should be between scientists in NATO countries and NATO's Partner countries of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. 


  1. No salaries or stipends for any of the collaborators, students, technical assistants, etc, will be offered under these grants. No institutional overhead expenses may be charged to the grant. 
  2. No support can be supplied for scientists while on sabbatical or other extended leave abroad, or to allow attendance at conferences, symposia, workshops, etc. Nor is support available for any travel that is not related to the CLG project. Purely domestic travel is not supported. No support can be provided for long study periods abroad; such support is available under the NATO Science Fellowships Sub-Programme. 
  3. Scientists may not be involved in more than one Collaborative Linkage Grant at the same time; nor can a CLG be awarded if participants are still involved in a Linkage Grant or Collaborative Research Grant which is not formally closed. Before submitting an application, therefore, Project Coordinators must verify with the other principal investigators that any NATO collaborative grant in which they were involved is formally closed. 

Investigators/Project Coordinators 

  1. Investigators are all the scientists engaged in the collaborative project who will benefit from NATO funding under the CLG. It is assumed that the investigators are included in an application with the knowledge and support of their authorities. 
  2. One scientist from each research team should be designated Principal Investigator, and two of the Principal Investigators, one from a Partner country and one from a NATO country, should be designated Project Coordinators. The Project Coordinators are responsible for the project. 
  3. To reduce the administrative burden NATO will normally correspond with the NATO-country Coordinator. He or she will receive the award letter on behalf of the Investigators, and will also be responsible for disbursing the grant as appropriate, and for reporting to NATO. 
  4. A grant is awarded to the Investigators and not to their institutions. 

Funding Basis 

  1. Funds are given mainly to cover the costs incurred in visits to the collaborating teams abroad by the Investigators. Such visits should be of short duration, and in any case no longer than two months. 
  2. An award provides support for between one and two years. Amounts awarded are normally, for example, between $5,000 for one year of collaboration for two or three scientists, or a maximum of $25,000 for two years' collaboration for five research teams. 
  3. Larger two-year grants are paid in two instalments, the second instalment being released after receipt of a satisfactory interim report on the progress achieved during the first year of collaboration. 
  4. Living expenses should be calculated on the basis of expected costs, up to a maximum of US$100 a day per person, depending on the country and city visited. Air travel should be at the lowest available rates. Surface transport should be used for trips up to 500 km. If other means of transport are used, travel at the rate of the least expensive air or train fare only should be charged to the grant. 
  5. Awards are made in Belgian Francs, but payment of the award may be in any currency, as specified by the grantholder at the time of payment. 

Other Funding/Expenditure 

  1. Basic costs (salaries, equipment, consumables, page charges) should already be covered from other sources, but for laboratories in Partner countries only, a contribution may be requested towards acquisition of scientific equipment of modest cost essential for and specific to the project. 

Computer Networking Supplements 

  1. A supplementary award to upgrade the networking capabilities of the laboratories of investigators from Partner countries may be requested after the award of a Collaborative Linkage Grant. 
  2. Please note that requests for such a supplement should not be included in the original application for a CLG. The completion of a separate application form will be required for a computer networking supplement, and the application form will be provided together with the letter of award for the Grant. 


  1. For larger, two-year grants, an interim report on progress achieved and financial expenditure to date must be submitted within twelve months of the date of acceptance of the award. 
  2. In all cases a final scientific and financial report is required for grant closure on completion of the project, and in any case within thirty months of the date of acceptance of the award. 
  3. NATO support should be acknowledged in publications resulting from the collaborative project. 

Review of Applications 

  1. Selection of applications for Collaborative Linkage Grants is based on peer review, and applications are selected for support following the recommendations of an international Advisory Panel appointed by the NATO Science Committee. There are four discipline-oriented Advisory Panels one for each of the following Scientific Areas: 
    1. Physical and Engineering Science and Technology 
    2. Life Science and Technology 
    3. Environmental and Earth Science and Technology 
    4. Security-Related Civil Science and Technology 
    CLG applications are examined by the Panel in the Scientific Area concerned, which should be noted on the application form. 
  2. Panel meetings are held three times a year. The selection process is confidential; no explanation is offered and no correspondence can be entered into on decisions taken. Proposals are evaluated on a competitive basis for the scientific merit of the expected collaboration. 


  1. There are different deadlines, according to which Scientific Area Panel will consider the application. The deadlines are as follows: 
Physical & Engineering Science (PST) 1 Mar 1 Aug 1 Nov
Life Sciences (LST) and Environmental & Earth Sciences (EST) 1 Apr 1 Sep 1 Dec
Security-Related Civil Science (SST) 1 Feb 1 May 1 Oct

Submission of Applications 

  1. Project Coordinators should verify with the other principal investigators that any current grant for the former mechanisms Collaborative Research Grant or Linkage Grant in which they were involved is formally closed before submitting a new application. 
  2. Applications should be presented on the specific application forms accompanying these Notes, and signed by both Project Coordinators. The Curriculum Vitae should only be supplied in the format requested. Two copies of the application should be sent to the following address: 
    • Scientific Affairs Division 
      Bd. Leopold III 
      B-1110 Brussels, Belgium