At the moment (December '98) the networking capability of the new Intas Lab. is very low. For the Internet accesses, the Institute of Geophysics (IGPH) has only one server machine for all the divisions, so the links are of poor quality (safety and speed). A raw estimation on a possible future improvment on the networking services was done. This means: new lines costs (about 800 $ for the new connection) and a full-time Internet subscription (from 200 $/month, for a 2 KB/s, up to 400 $/month for a 10 KB/s), with an estimation of about 5,000 US$/year.
At the moment it's impossible to pay for it. In the future, using other possible funds (local and/or by International projects) if some other extra funds will be available, this will be the first payment to be done, also including a new small dedicated server (Compaq PC, for instance).

For a general view on communication infrastructure in the Central and Eastern Europe you can see the RICE information (BUT they are old info, updated in the '96). Another reference site is the new CEEnet (Warsaw), still well operating and full of updated networking infos and Projects.