Working conditions :
1. Ambient temperature: -30° to +50° C
2. Atmospheric pressure: 1005 kPa
3. Humidity : to % at 30° C
4. Power supply: 12±1.2 V; recording method:
direct magnetic recording with high-frequency magnetization
5. Number of auxiliary Channels: 3 (at 3 amplitude
levels); 6 (at 2 amplitude levels); 12 (at 1 amplitude level)
6. ?
7. Tape speeds: 0.5 (±0.01) / 1.0 (±0.02)
/ 2.0 (±0.04) mm/s; the mag. tape moves only forward:
there's not rewinding
8. Frequency range at 3 dB level: 0.7 - 16
Hz (at 0.5 mm/s); 0.7 - 32 (1.0 mm/s); 0.7
- 64 (2.0 mm/s)
9. Non-identity phase not moves more than ±5% of
the period
10. Non linear distortions: 3% at 30 Hz sygnal frequency
11. Polarity of channels: the same
12. When recording at several levels, each subsequent level is approximated
to the foregoing on by 36 bB
13. The common dynamic range is not less than: 112 dB (3-channels
recordings); 72 dB (2-channels); 42 dB (1-channel)
14. The seismic channel noise level is not more then 2.8 mkw (double
amplitude value)
15. Reciprocal effect between the channels: 42 dB
16. Amplitude non identity of seismic channels is not more than 10%
17. The quartz-clock provides a time-coded signal: a) year, b) month,
c) date, d) hours, e) minutes, f) seconds, g) auxiliary info: station code,
magnetic heads block (left or right)
18. Error of the code of hours of the station: not more than ±0.01
s (for 1 day and night); not more than ±0.10 s
19. The clock is started up: a) by hand, b) automatically - by
a signal from the control-block
20. Calibration is made by: a) sinusoidal signal of 4 fixed frequencies:
0.5 - 1.0 - 2.0 - 4.0 Hz; b) 4 impulses
21. Calibrations are made 1 to 3 times in a day
22. The recording station provides switching over the maximum rec.
speed (2 mm/s) with automatic return to the initially established value
after 32 min.: a) by automation once in 24 hours
according to a program entered before the registration; b) by a signal
from a remote controlled device
23. The station provides recording at all channels of 4 timing marks
24. The station checks by a control block: a) the supply
Voltage; b) control of the recording current; c) control of
the level of microseisms; d) starting up and control of the clock
operation; e) control of the frequency of seismic receivers;
f) control of speed.